Application processing fee policy

Application processing fee policy of the iapply platform

(Public offer)

Processing Fee Details
A mandatory Processing Fee of $200 will be charged to applicants who meet any of the following criteria, as determined by and subject to change at our discretion:

1. Applicants over 27 years applying for undergraduate programs.

2. Applicants over 35 years applying for graduate programs.
3. Applicants from Iraq, India, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka not meeting minimum English requirements for non-conditional acceptance.
4. Applicants with an educational gap exceeding 8 years.
5. Applicants previously refused a visa by Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia or EU countries.
6. Applicants pursuing the same or lower level of education than their highest qualification. Our services are
7. Applicants pursuing education in a non-related field from their previous degree.
8. Passport holders from countries with low visa acceptance rates according to the latest student visa data.
Discretionary Rights - reserves the right to modify, refund, or waive the Processing Fee at our sole discretion for any reason.
- The Processing Fee may be imposed at any stage of the application process, as decided by

- Continued use of the services after the introduction of or changes to the Processing Fee constitutes acceptance of the new or revised fee structure.
Additional Charges- may charge a non-refundable deposit for certain programs, determined at our discretion.
- The Processing Fee is waived for students already in the host country of study and/or those applying for another program under a current student visa.
- After payment, applicants can apply to up to 3 programs until acceptance is confirmed. An additional Processing Fee may apply for more than three applications or for further applications after acceptance into one of the initial programs.
Refund Policy
Refunds for the Processing Fee will NOT be issued in the following cases:
- Failure to provide necessary documents for application processing.
- Visa application rejection.
- Cancellation or withdrawal of the application by the applicant.
Refunds may be granted, at's discretion, if:
- The applicant receives visa acceptance and confirms enrollment at the institution.
- The application is formally rejected by the institution.
Note: The Processing Fee may be reapplied for subsequent applications after a refund has been issued.

Contact Information
For questions or concerns about the Processing Fee Policy, please contact us at is committed to transparency and fairness in our fee structure, ensuring that all potential applicants are fully informed of any charges that may apply to their application process.